My philosophy

Why you have to create your own philosophy

This newsletter got inspired by one of Dan Koe’s newsletter about Koeism.

He said that he created his philosophical system (subscribe to his newsletter and wait for the online version, which still does not exist at the moment).

I will share my thoughts on having a philosophical system.

Why do you need a philosophical system?

You can imagine it as some life principles. Main ideas in your life.

Writing them down and posting them may help you organize your mind.

  1. Your mind is your greatest weapon. Don’t let it use you.

    A lot of people identify themselves as their mind.

    That is one of the main things I have learned with spirituality (which we will talk about in the future)

    Your mind creates a tone of random thoughts. Some may be good ideas (so you should use them), while others can be weird thins that can lead to fear, disappointment, envy and so on.

    To give a personal example, in 2022, when the war in Ukraine started, I was very afraid that Russia will invade Romania afterwards (I am Romania). That didn’t happen and I just wasted some months of my life living in fear. Even if this situation is very serious, we should all analyze reality as it is and make the best decisions going forward.

    Conclusion: Learn to analyze what your mind is saying. Some of your thoughts may be complete garbage.

  2. Comfort will leave you the same

    That’s an obvious one. It is all in the self-improvement community.

    If you want to improve, you will have to face real challenges.

  3. Speculations are not reality

    As I have said, your mind will start creating hypothetical scenarios.

    What you must do is to test all of your ideas with reality.

    You have a product idea? Test it and see if people care about your idea.

    If they don’t, try another one.

  4. Have an open mind but be firmed on your believes and choices

    Be open to what other people say. You are not all-knowing. Learn from them.

    But at the same time, don’t question your believes all the time.

    Tell others your opinions, while listening to theirs.

  5. Fast is always better than slow

    You may think that if you try to do a project as fast as possible, the work quality takes time. That is not completely true. Put a short time on each task and do them efficiently. This is why I created this free app called Task Timer.

  6. Eliminate possibilities until success is the only option

    If you have one main plan in your life and 10.000 secondary plans you are wasting your energy. Make your life plan exactly as you want and follow it. Leave yourself no other option. For example if you want to succeed with business, you have to realize that your life will never be fulfilling if you never do that. You will die anyway. So start working on your goals. You will either succeed or die trying.

  7. Be a kind person

    Being a kind person means that you do good for others without expecting anything in return.

    The nice thing is that you may get stuff in return like:

    • material stuff;

    • advice, knowledge, wisdom;

    • form meaningful relationships;

    But these are not guaranteed and you shouldn't do good just to get these in return.

    But if you change your world view and you just want to become a better person that helps others when they can, you will surely get a piece of mind and calmness, and you won't feel envy nor hatred. And that is something no amount of money can buy.

  8. Lying is the worst thing ever

    I HATE liars! Ok, I don't really hate them because I try not to hate anybody. They are probably misguided by the fact that lying is not “such a big deal”. It is a big deal! When somebody lies to you, they destort reality for their own gain. Add TRUTH to your moral values. You may unintentionally lie from time to time, but try to make a habit of telling the truth. If you feel uncomfortable with saying something to someone else just tell them that you don't want to say that. If they don't respect your decision, cut them off. That's not a real friend.

  9. Life is changing all the time

    One big problem in a lot of people's lives it that they don't accept that life changes all the time. Nothing that you have now is permanent. That's why you have to view life as a journey, not as some static thing. You are always on the move, not searching for more material stuff, but searching for a new adventure and new knowledge.