How to make money with a Newsletter

(generate infinite ideas)

Writing content can be very difficult.

Either you don’t have ideas or your ideas are too complicated.

And nobody reads a super complicated post.

Let’s fix these problems:

Problem no. 1. No ideas

This is a common problem for people who are just starting.

You have no idea what to write.

But I am sure you know how to speak. When you speak, you usually answer to another person, and a lot of ideas come to mind.

So for writing on social media, you should just reply to other posts:

  • reply;

  • transform your reply into a new post;

With this strategy, you engage and gain posts ideas at the same time.

I also recommend saving your favorite posts in some files and analyzing why they went viral. Analyze topics, subtopics, hooks, structure etc.

Save your favorite structures and your favorite topics

Then create your own posts by combining these ideas.

You have to be well organized with this. That’s why I have created a FREE template to help you. Get it here.


Do you know that moment when you have a great idea, and you think that you will remember it? Then you forget it.

Use any writing app on your phone to write random ideas. For example, you are on a walk and a great idea comes to mind. You write it on your phone. When you get back home, you start analyzing that idea. Don’t trust your memory!

Problem no. 2: Your ideas are too complicated

You may have seen that posts on X are kind of repetitive and basic.

That’s what grabs attention. Most people scroll on X to get those dopamine strikes, not to learn.

You cannot use complicated terms or 1000-word posts to grab their attention.

“But I can’t explain my stuff clear in a short post!”

Completely true. You cannot!

That’s why you have to use a newsletter.

Grab the attention with a short and simple post on X.

Then link your newsletter in the comments.

You can have a post about exactly what you are writing in that specific newsletter.

A newsletter is way better for selling than directly on social media, so you can use that to your advantage.

So the solution is simple.

Consume content. Generate ideas. Create newsletters with the complex ideas. Create simple posts and link the newsletter.

Here is a graphical representation of the strategy I described:

I hope that helps!

Thanks for the read!
