How I almost died

(coping with your own death)

So let’s get straight to the point.

Here is a short story about how I almost died:

In August 2024 I was on vacation.

I was just taking a shower. The shower had a glass door. When I finished, I opened the door to exit and somehow the door broke.

Then I had a huge adrenaline spike, most likely, because the next thing I remembered was being outside the bathroom and checking for any cuts. My right hand was full of blood, but otherwise I was fine.

The place where I was one second ago was now full of shards. So it was good that I got out of the shower that fast.

Anyway, it seems that I only had some small cuts and I was totally fine.

So here are a few things that I learned and that can help you:

  1. Expect the unexpected

This story, with the shower glass breaking, is weird as f*ck. I have never heard of this before, the owner of the hotel has never heard of this before, my parents and my friends have never heard of this before.

(DM me if you know anyone that had a similar experience)

The takeaway is to know that unexpected stuff can happen.

Expect the unexpected and be ready for as many situations as possible.

Start by organizing your life and don’t be so surprised when things don’t go according to your plan.

Be adaptable!

  1. Your mind exaggerates stuff

Your mind is the most powerful thing in the known universe. Yet it can also be detrimental to you! It creates a lot of hypothetical scenarios. In my case, I don’t think the shards were big enough to kill me, but right after the incident I thought that I narrowly escaped death.

Have a clear mind when you judge events. If you are:

  • scared;

  • nervous;

  • anxious;

  • angry;

You won’t interpret the event correctly. Be calm and think. Ignore the emotions!

  1. Coping with death

Even if I wasn’t really that close to dying, I think that everyone thought about their own death as some point in their lives.

People try to cope with death with drugs, parties, alcohol etc. They think that this is what makes life “fun” and “worth living”.

The main scary thing about death is that it is certain and unknown. Therefore, we fear it.

Whatever you believe, there is after death: afterlife, nothingness, reincarnation.

One thing is certain: LIFE IS REAL

So you should live.

And in my opinion, living means:

  • becoming the best version of yourself;

  • achieve your goals;

  • teach others how to do the same;

  • enjoy the journey;

I think that the END of life makes it meaningful and we shouldn’t waste our time with thinking what happens after death.

I hope this newsletter helps you have a better view of life and death in general!

Thanks for reading!

Take care and be careful around glass :)
